The Education Adventure of the Homeland Museum - Along the Timok Valley at the Foot of Stara Planina is a special educational programme of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac and a specific tourism product.
It was supported by the UN Joint Programme on Sustainable Tourism for Rural Development, funded by the Kingdom of Spain through the Millennium Development Goals Fund (MDGF), which was implemented in cooperation with five UN agencies (UNICEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNWTO and UNFAO) and national partners of the Government of the Republic of Serbia: the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management and the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia.
The programme was developed in cooperation with partner organisations at the local level primary school "Dimitrije Todorovic Kaplar", the Tourist Organisation of Knjaževac, NGO “Zelena Zona”, Civic Association "Etno Centar”, the Association for Preserving Tradition "Izvor", East Star Group ltd,, supported by volunteers – pupils and teachers of the Technical School of Knjaževac, the Municipality of Knjaževac and other friends of the Museum...
It is based on specificities of the cultural and natural heritage, and includes a series of creative and educational activities.
It is dedicated primarily to children 8-16 years of age and young people, families with children, clubs, associations and all adventurers eager for knowledge, for individuals or groups.
It represents an alternative for the implementation of school trips, recreational classes, outdoor classes, daily, weekend and multi-day trips and excursions.
It can be implemented in the facilities of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac, the Archaeo-Ethno Park in Ravna, in the town centre and the village school in Balta Beriolovac at the foot of Stara planina.
The period of realization of the programme is from April to October.
The organizer provides guides, demonstrators, educators and animators depending on the length and type of the selected programme, visits to the museum facilities in the town and the village of Ravna.
Accommodation can be organized in cooperation with partners in dormitories in the town, in rural households at Stara planina and at the mountain lodge Babin zub or Hotel Babin zub at Stara planina depending on the size of the group.
As a special offer of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac it is possible to prepare traditional dishes of the area of Knjaževac in the Archaeo-Ethno Park in Ravna.
To participate in the Education Adventure of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac YOU MUST HAVE:
an adventurous spirit, good company, comfortable and warm shoes, spare clothes, a raincoat, a hat, a backpack with water and candies, a health card...
... great hosts and a beautiful destination like Knjaževac!